KLIM Optics OTG Blue Light Glasses - KLIM Technologies

KLIM Optics OTG Blaulichtfilter Clip Ons

€36,97 €29,97 SPARE 19%
  • Schütze deine Augen vor schädlichem blauem Licht!
  • Branchenführende Blockierrate von 92%
  • Enthält eine Tragetasche und ein Reinigungstuch
  • Kompatibel mit den meisten Gestellen
  • Stilvoll und leichtgewichtig


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KÜMMERE DICH UM DIE GESUNDHEIT DEINER AUGEN + VERBESSERE DEINEN SCHLAF. Das menschliche Auge hat sich nicht dazu entwickelt, viele Stunden am Tag auf einen Bildschirm zu starren. Aus diesem Grund führt das blaue Licht von Bildschirmen zu vielen Gesundheitsproblemen. Weitere negative Auswirkungen des blauen Lichts sind Schwierigkeiten, sich nachts auszuruhen. Wenn man es filtert, kann man schneller einschlafen und besser ruhen. Investiere in Deine Gesundheit und schütze Dich ab heute. ARBEITEN VON ZU HAUSE IN PERFEKTEM KOMFORT. Wahrscheinlich verbringst Du bei der Arbeit oder zur Freizeitgestaltung viele Stunden am Tag damit, auf einen Bildschirm zu schauen. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob Du gerade an Dokumenten arbeitest, Deine Lieblingsfernsehsendung anschaust oder Videospiele spielst... Du bist ständig blauem Licht ausgesetzt. Das Tragen der KLIM-Optics OTG wird in Deinem Alltag einen Unterschied machen und sowohl Deine Produktivität als auch Dein Vergnügen steigern! ANTI-MÜDIGKEIT + ANTI KOPFSCHMERZEN + WERDE PRODUKTIVER. Bekommst Du nach einigen Stunden vor dem Bildschirm müde Augen, fühlen sich deine Augen trocken an oder bekommst du Kopfschmerzen? Der KLIM OTG löst diese Probleme. Deine Augen fühlen sich erholt an, deine Aufmerksamkeit wird verbessert. Bei Computer- und Videospielen kannst du nun Spitzenleistungen vollbringen. QUALITATIV HOCHWERTIG. Unsere Gläser filtern 92 % des blauen Lichts (400nm) heraus, welches wesentlich höher ist als der Branchendurchschnitt. Die Gläser wurden mit deutscher Technologie entworfen. Der Rahmen ist teilweise aus TR90, einem sehr robusten aber leichten Material. Er wiegt nur 15 g, Du wirst den Clip kaum auf deiner Nase spüren. PRAKTISCH UND ERSCHWINGLICH. Es ist schwierig, die perfekte Brille zum Filtern von blauem Licht zu finden. Der KLIM OTG Clip wurde dafür entwickelt, perfekt auf die meisten Brillen zu passen und ist einfach zu nutzen. Unser Ziel ist es, Dir den besten Schutz für deine Augen zu einem fairen Preis zu bieten.
Technische Spezifikationen
  • Maße: 130 x 46 x 15 mm / 5,1 x 1,8 x 0,5 in
  • Gewicht: 9,9 g / 0,35 oz
  • Linsenmaterial: Harz (gelb, nicht polarisiert)
  • Nasenabstand: 17-34 mm / 0,51-1,33 mm
  • Anti-Blau-Lichtrate (400 nm): 92 %

Customer Reviews

Based on 98 reviews
Love it! Nice product for the price

I am impressed with the packaging: strong professional and friendly(see the pamphlet their staff avatars with their contact info) each lenses are well protected, and I felt a relief after using for les than an hour. My phone glare doesn’t bother me now as it used to. I will wait one week and buy one extra one.

Works wonderfully!

I have not had headaches since I got this attachment. Super easy to flip up when I’m not looking at a screen and down when I am. Works great! Don’t even feel the clip.

I'm impressed!

I wear prescription glasses for my computer work and needed these clip-ons to block the blue light. First of all the packaging astounded me as it was presented like it was fine jewelry. The outside box almost was as sturdy as wood. The yellow clip-ons came in a satin bag which was inside a hard leather-like eyeglass case. It also came with a cleaning cloth, stickers, and a brochure that explained the handling, inspection, and shipping process. It was quite an interesting story! I definitely noticed much less eyestrain from the very beginning. And I am less tired after being on the computer. I'd give these more than 5 stars if I could!


I like the fit and being extremely light weight.
They are easy to keep clean.
They came with a lovely cloth case as well as a hard case.

Rich W.
No More Eye Strain from Computer Use

I was getting headaches and small blurry spots in my vision when I used my computer screens for several hours. I read that the blue light that is emitted from computer screens can cause vision problems. When I searched for solutions, there were expensive blue-light blocking filters to cover my screens, which really would not work when I did any photo editing since I needed to see true colors during that process. Then, I saw the blue light blocking glasses clip-on, which would I could easily clip to my computer glasses. And, the lens could "flip up" when I needed to see to full color-spectrum for photo work.

I can see the computer screen clearly though my reading glasses and the blue-light-blocking lenses, and my headaches and eye strain have been alleviated since I started using the KLIM OTG blue blocking lenses (along with getting up every hour to focus on objects other than my computer screen). I'm very happy that I bought them.

Customer Reviews

Based on 98 reviews
Love it! Nice product for the price

I am impressed with the packaging: strong professional and friendly(see the pamphlet their staff avatars with their contact info) each lenses are well protected, and I felt a relief after using for les than an hour. My phone glare doesn’t bother me now as it used to. I will wait one week and buy one extra one.

Works wonderfully!

I have not had headaches since I got this attachment. Super easy to flip up when I’m not looking at a screen and down when I am. Works great! Don’t even feel the clip.

I'm impressed!

I wear prescription glasses for my computer work and needed these clip-ons to block the blue light. First of all the packaging astounded me as it was presented like it was fine jewelry. The outside box almost was as sturdy as wood. The yellow clip-ons came in a satin bag which was inside a hard leather-like eyeglass case. It also came with a cleaning cloth, stickers, and a brochure that explained the handling, inspection, and shipping process. It was quite an interesting story! I definitely noticed much less eyestrain from the very beginning. And I am less tired after being on the computer. I'd give these more than 5 stars if I could!


I like the fit and being extremely light weight.
They are easy to keep clean.
They came with a lovely cloth case as well as a hard case.

Rich W.
No More Eye Strain from Computer Use

I was getting headaches and small blurry spots in my vision when I used my computer screens for several hours. I read that the blue light that is emitted from computer screens can cause vision problems. When I searched for solutions, there were expensive blue-light blocking filters to cover my screens, which really would not work when I did any photo editing since I needed to see true colors during that process. Then, I saw the blue light blocking glasses clip-on, which would I could easily clip to my computer glasses. And, the lens could "flip up" when I needed to see to full color-spectrum for photo work.

I can see the computer screen clearly though my reading glasses and the blue-light-blocking lenses, and my headaches and eye strain have been alleviated since I started using the KLIM OTG blue blocking lenses (along with getting up every hour to focus on objects other than my computer screen). I'm very happy that I bought them.