KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies
KLIM Mistral Laptop Cooling Pad - KLIM Technologies

KLIM Mistral Laptop Kühler

$129.00 $104.00 SPARE 19%
  • Dein bester Verbündeter, um deinen Laptop abzukühlen!
  • Zwei unglaublich leistungsstarke Turboventilatoren
  • Innovatives Abdichtungssystem für maximale Kühlung
  • Kompatibel mit 14 bis 17,3 Zoll Laptops
  • Mehrere Neigungswinkel
  • Einstellbare Lüftergeschwindigkeit


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Lieferung in 2-5 Werktagen

Unsere Produkte werden in die folgenden Länder und Regionen verschickt: USA, Kanada, Australien, Großbritannien und die Europäische Union. Es kann zu Einschränkungen bei den Lagerbeständen kommen.

  • SCHÜTZE DEINEN LAPTOP & SORGE FÜR MAXIMALE LEISTUNG. Laptops laufen bei Überhitzung Gefahr dauerhafter Beschädigungen, ständiger Abstürze und einer geringen Gesamtleistung, besonders bei Videospielen. Schütze deinen Computer mit dem KLIM Mistral! Sein innovatives und hocheffizientes Design senkt die Temperatur der internen Komponenten extrem ab und verlängert die Lebensdauer deines Laptops. Mit einer kleinen Investition sparst du auf lange Sicht hunderte von Euro und viel Kopfzerbrechen!
  • DER LEISTUNGSSTÄRKSTE: Im Gegensatz zum traditionellen Notebook Kühler ist das KLIM Mistral mit zwei Hochleistungs-Turbo-Ventilatoren (4500 U/min.) ausgestattet, die in Sekundenschnelle herunterkühlen. Der Gummiring dient als Dichtung, um die Effizienz zu maximieren. Diese Leistung hat nur einen Preis: Es ist lauter als der Durchschnitt, besonders auf der höchsten Stufe. Du kannst zwischen 3 Geschwindigkeiten wählen, um das perfekte Gleichgewicht zwischen Lautstärke und Leistung zu finden.
  • PRAKTISCHE STEUERUNGEN + ELEGANTE RGB-BELEUCHTUNG: Der Kühler lässt sich bequem über die drei Knöpfe an der Vorderseite verstellen. Einfach auf „ON“ drücken, um den Kühler zu starten, und danach mit „SPEED“ die gewünschte Belüftungsstärke wählen. Die LED-Taste dient zum Einstellen der Lichter vorne und an der Seite aus 5 möglichen Farben. Du kannst die gleiche Taste drücken und gedrückt halten, um die Lichter ganz auszuschalten, wenn du einen neutraleren Look vorziehst.
  • LANGLEBIG + HOCHWERTIGE MATERIALIEN: Ein Kühlpad muss den Test der Zeit standhalten, wenn es deinen Laptop über viele Jahre hinweg schützen soll. Wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass nur langlebige Materialien und zuverlässige Komponenten ausgewählt werden, damit du dir keine Sorgen machen musst. Wir sind so von diesem Produkt überzeugt, dass wir 5 Jahre Produktsupport darauf gewähren und unsere Fachleute 24/7 für dich zur Verfügung stehen. Es ist ein völlig risikoloser Kauf.
  • WICHTIGE ANGABEN ZUR KOMPATIBILITÄT: Dieser Kühler ist nur mit 15- bis 17-Zoll-Laptops kompatibel. Kleinere Modelle werden nicht unterstützt. Außerdem muss dein Laptop Lüftungsöffnungen an der Unterseite haben, damit die Luft entweichen kann. Dieses Modell ist NICHT KOMPATIBEL mit Notebooks die keine Gitter an der Unterseite haben. (z. B. Apple MacBooks). Für alle Fragen zur Kompatibilität kannst du die Option „Verkäufer kontaktieren“ auf Amazon nutzen.
  • ACHTUNG: Dieser Kühler enthält einen der leistungsstärksten Lüfter auf dem Markt, was auch bedeutet, dass er laut ist, besonders bei hohen Drehzahlen. Bitte beachte dies, wenn du geräuschempfindlich bist oder keine Kopfhörer verwendest.
Technische Spezifikationen
  • Maße: 40 x 34,8 x 5 cm / 15,7 x 13,7 x 1,9 in
  • Gewicht: 1,4 kg / 49,4 oz
  • Kompatibilität: 15"-17" laptops
  • Lüftergeschwindigkeit: bis zu 4300 U / min
  • Geräuschpegel: bis zu 50 dB
  • Zusätzlicher USB -Anschluss: NEIN

Customer Reviews

Based on 458 reviews
Best Cooler!!

Klim Mistral is a best cooling pad that really help to reduce a temperature of my Alienware Gaming Laptop.

I used a KLIM Mistral for like 8 to 10 hours and I observed a product with different software and in a state mode and I got a result that this product is actually working as per my 8 to 10 hours observation. Also, I have noticed a temperature of both CPU and GPU went down by 10° C while playing games with cooling pad and without cooling pad and in stand more 4 - 5° C wend down.

You can see in a picture the my in state mode without cooling pad a regular temperature was 44-45 ° C and after cooling pad it reduce to 30 to 32 ° C.

I would say this a the excellent cooling pad I have ever used.

Manbir Singh
Drops laptop temperature like nothing else.

I usually don't write reviews often, but this product deserves one since I experienced real benifit with this one. I usually am in the habit of using high end performance laptops instead of performance desktops due to portability but the struggle is with managing cooling to get best outputs for gaming and video rendering. I have bought plenty of cooling pads from cheap to expensive and mind you, this one is on the higher end. But nothing has come close to how well this helps in controlling temperations from a variation of 5 (at standard room temperature) to as high as 10 (if room is slightly on cooler side) degrees at its max speed
On performance mode.
With a 5 year warranty you will not be disappointed by this since that alone will gave you back in cost. Oh and this is very suitable for Indian dusty environment as the intakes have a good mesh which can be cleaned easily.
Make sure though that the intake on you laptop is at the bottom.

David Schafernocker
Laptops with rear exhaust don’t get it. Also very loud

It’s just not designed for laptops that have exhausts coming out the back. The hot air is just getting recycled. It’s very noisy also.


L'idea di funzionamento è geniale a mio modesto parere.
La uso da un mese e l'ho amata da subito.

Sposta tanta aria
Raffredda anche di 10° con una temp ambientale di 22/23 circa.
L'efficacia è paurosa

Ha due guarnizioni (da montare) per poterci adattare laptop di dimensioni diverse

I led frontali certo che sono brutti se guardati e fotografati frontalmente. Nella realtà pratica vi illumineranno il desk verso di voi senza essere invasivi o fastidiosi

Dicono rumorosa? Forse per gli altri, giocando con le cuffie non si sente neanche a massima velocità

Può essere usata solo con portatili che prendono aria da sotto e la estraggono lateralmente/posteriormente

Se queste caratteristiche vengono rispettate andate a colpo sicuro!

No good description lies....

I have a ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16 16" laptop and it do not sit/fit onto the rubber fittings (see gap in the pictures) even though it says in the description it is suitable for a 15-17" laptop.

Fans are also loud on the first setting, and stupidly loud on the 3rd setting.

Customer Reviews

Based on 458 reviews
Best Cooler!!

Klim Mistral is a best cooling pad that really help to reduce a temperature of my Alienware Gaming Laptop.

I used a KLIM Mistral for like 8 to 10 hours and I observed a product with different software and in a state mode and I got a result that this product is actually working as per my 8 to 10 hours observation. Also, I have noticed a temperature of both CPU and GPU went down by 10° C while playing games with cooling pad and without cooling pad and in stand more 4 - 5° C wend down.

You can see in a picture the my in state mode without cooling pad a regular temperature was 44-45 ° C and after cooling pad it reduce to 30 to 32 ° C.

I would say this a the excellent cooling pad I have ever used.

Manbir Singh
Drops laptop temperature like nothing else.

I usually don't write reviews often, but this product deserves one since I experienced real benifit with this one. I usually am in the habit of using high end performance laptops instead of performance desktops due to portability but the struggle is with managing cooling to get best outputs for gaming and video rendering. I have bought plenty of cooling pads from cheap to expensive and mind you, this one is on the higher end. But nothing has come close to how well this helps in controlling temperations from a variation of 5 (at standard room temperature) to as high as 10 (if room is slightly on cooler side) degrees at its max speed
On performance mode.
With a 5 year warranty you will not be disappointed by this since that alone will gave you back in cost. Oh and this is very suitable for Indian dusty environment as the intakes have a good mesh which can be cleaned easily.
Make sure though that the intake on you laptop is at the bottom.

David Schafernocker
Laptops with rear exhaust don’t get it. Also very loud

It’s just not designed for laptops that have exhausts coming out the back. The hot air is just getting recycled. It’s very noisy also.


L'idea di funzionamento è geniale a mio modesto parere.
La uso da un mese e l'ho amata da subito.

Sposta tanta aria
Raffredda anche di 10° con una temp ambientale di 22/23 circa.
L'efficacia è paurosa

Ha due guarnizioni (da montare) per poterci adattare laptop di dimensioni diverse

I led frontali certo che sono brutti se guardati e fotografati frontalmente. Nella realtà pratica vi illumineranno il desk verso di voi senza essere invasivi o fastidiosi

Dicono rumorosa? Forse per gli altri, giocando con le cuffie non si sente neanche a massima velocità

Può essere usata solo con portatili che prendono aria da sotto e la estraggono lateralmente/posteriormente

Se queste caratteristiche vengono rispettate andate a colpo sicuro!

No good description lies....

I have a ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16 16" laptop and it do not sit/fit onto the rubber fittings (see gap in the pictures) even though it says in the description it is suitable for a 15-17" laptop.

Fans are also loud on the first setting, and stupidly loud on the 3rd setting.